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Create special zones for hawkers: Mamata Banerjee at Nabanna meeting

June 27, 2024 | 2 min read

Amidst the ongoing eviction of hawkers across the state, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee convened another meeting at the state secretariat Nabanna today.

Highlights of the directives she issued

On recognising hawkers

Eviction of hawkers is not the government’s goal. A system needs to be created for them, the responsibility for creating which has been given to Rajeev Kumar.

Hawking is not prohibited because it is a legitimate business, and lots of families survive on this, but it must be properly regulated.

The state also recognises the need to help hawkers because they are poor people. During the Covid period, 7,673 hawkers across the state were given Rs 2,000 each. They have been covered under the Swasthya Sathi scheme.

Stalls should be given to members of self-help groups to run so they can sell their handmade items.

1,045 natural markets and 4,487 heritage markets have been recognised.

To grant legal validity to hawkers, the government will issue identification cards. In the Kolkata Municipal Corporation area, over 61,000 hawkers had applied for registration, out of whom 59,000 have been selected. The 2,000 who were excluded was because they had four or more stalls. Others should be given a chance as well.

On removing encroachments

128 local vending committees are being formed. Hawking, non-hawking and restricted zones are being established.

Hawker markets need to be beautified. One side of a hawking lane should be completely clear of encroachments. Encroachment of footpaths and government land will not be tolerated.

The areas around New Market, and in front of the Grand Hotel and Kolkata Municipal Corporation have become congested due to hawkers’ stalls. There is no space to walk in Gariahat as both sidewalks are occupied. The local councillors are also to blame for this.

The way hawkers are encroaching on public spaces illegally and destroying the beauty of places is tarnishing the reputation of the state.

On safety

Encroachment of roads and footpaths by hawkers can lead to accidents.

Using plastic sheets for making stalls and setting up small warehouses beside stalls for storing the goods are both illegal. Plastic is highly inflammable, so fire-proof materials should be used. Buildings in hawking zones are being marked for using as warehouses to store the goods for the night.

On corrupt practices

The Anti-Corruption Branch of the police needs to be strengthened further, as greed is increasing within the police force.

Hawker leaders and the police have been urged to stop the malpractice of collecting donations.

If any leader instigates hawkers to disobey rules, they will be immediately arrested, regardless of their party affiliation. The same rule would apply to police officers if they are found to disobey any rule.

Illegal parking zones in Kolkata need to be abolished and separate parking areas need to be established across Kolkata.


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