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Another cheetah has died at Kuno, the 4th adult in three-and-a-half months

July 12, 2023 | < 1 min read

Representative photo (PTI)

Another cheetah died at Kuno National Park (KNP) yesterday, the fourth adult and the seventh in total. The male was named Tejas.

The death was reportedly the result of a fight with another cheetah.

Three adults and three cubs had already died. Sasha, a female, died in March due to renal issues, followed by Uday, a male, in April due to cardiopulmonary failure. The third, another female named Daksha, died in May, due to injuries sustained during a violent courtship ritual with a male.

Eight cheetahs—five females and three males—from Namibia were released on September 17 last year, followed by 12 from South Africa—seven males and five females—on February 18 this year as part of an ambitious programme to reintroduce the species in India.

Two male cheetahs, Prabhash and Pavak, brought from South Africa, were released into the wild on Monday.

Therefore, there are 18 adults now left at KNP—10 males and eight females—and a cub, the only surviving of the four from the same couple which died in May.


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